
1. In the sintering of 4-oersted Mg-Mn ferrites a strong effect is exerted by fluxes with a melting point < 1000°C, and on 2-oersted ferrites by fluxes with melting points on the order of 1100°C. 2. In the sintering of 2- and 4-oersted Mg-Mn fluxes with CaO, the flux is a eutectic of 32 mole% CaO and 68 mole% FeO. 3. The surface tension, σliq-air, of real fluxes affecting the sintering of Mg-Mn ferrites is 150–450 dyn/cm. 4. Optimum rectangularity and squareness of the hysteresis loop are obtained with sintering of Mg-Mn ferrites with Bi2O3 (Hc2=4 Oe) and CaO (Hc=2 Oe). With Bi2O3 the sintering temperature of the ferrites is lower by 200°C, and with CaO by 100°C. 5. The optimum effect of Bi2O3 is explained by the formation of a homogeneous grain as a result of the good wetting and, possibly by the lack of a capacity on the part of Bi2O3 to react with the ferrite or its components; for CaO it is explained also by the formation of a eutectic only with FeO, with the bonding of Fe2+ ions.

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