
Bioelectronic detection of volatile organic compounds (VOC) has been demonstrated in a wide range of applications, with early reports focusing on environmental exogenous VOCs due to their adverse effects on human health; bacterial VOC signatures used as disease biomarkers, etc. Carbon nanotube field-effect transistors (CNT-FETs) are considered promising devices for bioelectronic detection due to their sensitivity, robustness and compatibility with microelectronic fabrication technologies. However, implementation of CNT-FETs still faces many challenges. Current VOCs detection approaches rely on separation techniques coupled with mass spectrometry, necessitating expensive equipment, labor-intensive preparation steps and trained personnel, and are not suitable for field use. Overcoming the challenges in the development of bioelectronic CNT-FET sensors holds great promise for high-throughput screening of VOCs.The natural insect odorant receptors (ORs) are highly attractive probes, potentially allowing ultrahigh specificity for VOC biosensing. Insect ORs exhibit remarkable sensitivities and the ability to selectively detect a vast number of VOCs. We have recently developed OR-functionalized carbon nanotube field-effect transistor (FET) devices. These FET devices comprise an isolated single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT), serving as the conducting channel material, functionalized with multiple insect ORs. These hybrid devices are capable of transducing ligand binding into an electronic current, without amplification. The insect OR-functionalized CNT FET were applied for the detection of several markers of environmental and clinical importance including Indole, Skatole, Octen-3-ol and Nonyl-aldehyde.We have developed a bioelectronic assay platform that contains a chip with 61 ORs-functionalized CNT-FET devices. Our unique functionalization method is based on directing the attachment of a native ORs-containing nanovesicles (which we have exogenously expressed and functionally characterized) to a generated CNT-FET point defect. Target binding-induced ionic current and conformational changes of ORs affect an electric field that modulates the device conductance.

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