
Great effort was made to characterize the bacterial communities inhabiting the human body as a factor in disease, resulting in the realization that a wide spectrum of diseases is associated with an altered composition of the microbiome. However, the identification of disease-relevant bacteria has been hindered by the high cross-sectional diversity of individual microbiomes, and in most cases, it remains unclear whether the observed alterations are cause or consequence of disease. Hence, innovative analysis approaches are required that enable inquiries of the microbiome beyond mere taxonomic cataloging. This review highlights the utility of microbiota flow cytometry, a single-cell analysis platform to directly interrogate cellular interactions, cell conditions, and crosstalk with the host's immune system within the microbiome to take into consideration the role of microbes as critical interaction partners of the host and the spectrum of microbiome alterations, beyond compositional changes. In conjunction with advanced sequencing approaches it could reveal the genetic potential of target bacteria and advance our understanding of taxonomic diversity and gene usage in the context of the microenvironment. Single-cell bacterial phenotyping has the potential to change our perspective on the human microbiome and empower microbiome research for the development of microbiome-based therapy approaches and personalized medicine.

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