
This paper presents a successful design, realization,and characterization of single-mode rib optical waveguides on SOG/SU-8 polymers in order to highlight a new approach to designing heat sensors. The basic principle of this new thermal-sensing method relies on the differential thermal behavior regarding both acting arms of a micro Mach-Zehnder Interferometer(MZI). First, two families of single-mode straight rib waveguides composed of SOG/SU-8 polymers are analyzed. Hence, optical losses for TE00 and TM00 optical modes for structures on Si/SiO2/SU-8 have been estimated respectively as 1,36 plusmn 0,02 and 2,01plusmn0,02 dBmiddotcm-1, while the second one composed of Si/SiO2 /SOG/SU-8 presented losses of 2,33 plusmn 0,02 and 2,95plusmn0,02 dBmiddotcm-1. Then, owing to modeling results, an experimental sensor is realized as an integrated device made up of SU-8 polymer mounted on a standard silicon wafer. When subjected to a radiant source, as a laser light (980 nm) is injected across the cleaved input face of the MZI, the significant change of output signal allows us to consider a new approach to measuring radiant heat flowrate. Experimental results are given regarding the obtained phase shift against the subjected thermal power. According to the modeling results, one can expect new highly sensitive devices to be developed in the next coming years, with advantageous prospective industrial applications

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