
Improved lower extremity neuromuscular control during sports may decrease injury risk. This prospective study evaluated progressive resistance, whole body, long-axis rotational training on the Ground Force 360 device. Our hypothesis was that device training would improve lower extremity neuromuscular control based on previous reports of kinematic, ground reaction force (GRF) or electromyographic (EMG) evidence of safer or more efficient dynamic knee stability during jumping. Thirty-six healthy subjects were randomly assigned to either training (Group 1) or control (Group 2) groups. Using a pre-test, post-test study design data were collected from three SLVJ trials. Unpaired t-tests with adjustments for multiple comparisons were used to evaluate group mean change differences ( P ⩽ 0.05/25 ⩽ 0.002). During propulsion Group 1 standardized EMG amplitude mean change differences for gluteus maximus (−21.8% vs. +17.4%), gluteus medius (−28.6% vs. +15.0%), rectus femoris (−27.1% vs. +11.2%), vastus medialis (−20.2% vs. +9.1%), and medial hamstrings (−38.3% vs. +30.3%) differed from Group 2. During landing Group 1 standardized EMG amplitude mean change differences for gluteus maximus (−32.9% vs. +11.1%) and rectus femoris (−33.3% vs. +29.0%) also differed from Group 2. Group 1 peak propulsion vertical GRF (+0.24 N/kg vs. −0.46 N/kg) and landing GRF stabilization timing (−0.68 vs. +0.05 s) mean change differences differed from Group 2. Group 1 mean hip (−16.3 vs. +7.8°/s) and knee (−21.4 vs. +18.5°/s) flexion velocity mean change differences also differed from Group 2. Improved lower extremity neuromuscular efficiency, increased peak propulsive vertical GRF, decreased mean hip and knee flexion velocities during landing, and earlier landing stabilization timing in the training group suggests improved lower extremity neuromuscular control.

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