
The heterogeneity of mRNA and protein expression at the single-cell level can reveal fundamental information about cellular response to external stimuli, including the sensitivity, timing, and regulatory interactions of genes. Here we describe a fully automated system to digitally count the intron, mRNA, and protein content of up to five genes of interest simultaneously in single-cells. Full system automation of 3D microscope scans and custom image analysis routines allows hundreds of individual cells to be automatically segmented and the mRNA-protein content to be digitally counted. Single-molecule intron and mRNA content is measured by single-molecule fluorescence in-situ hybridization (smFISH), while protein content is quantified though the use of antibody probes. To mimic immune response to bacterial infection, human monocytic leukemia cells (THP-1) were stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS), and the expression of two inflammatory genes, IL1β (interleukin 1β) and TNF-α (tumor necrosis factor α), were simultaneously quantified by monitoring the intron, mRNA, and protein levels over time. The simultaneous labeling of cellular content allowed for a series of correlations at the single-cell level to be explored, both in the progressive maturation of a single gene (intron-mRNA-protein) and comparative analysis between the two immune response genes. In the absence of LPS stimulation, mRNA expression of IL1β and TNF-α were uncorrelated. Following LPS stimulation, mRNA expression of the two genes became more correlated, consistent with a model in which IL1β and TNF-α upregulation occurs in parallel through independent mechanistic pathways. This smFISH methodology can be applied to different complex biological systems to provide valuable insight into highly dynamic gene mechanisms that determine cell plasticity and heterogeneity of cellular response.


  • We describe an automated platform for the acquisition and quantification of gene content at the single-cell level using single-molecule fluorescence in-situ hybridization (smFISH) and apply this system to examine the expression of two inflammatory biomarkers, IL1β and TNF-α, in THP-1 cells following stimulation with lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a cell wall component of Gram negative bacteria

  • In our single-cell studies, we found that mRNA expression of IL1β and TNF-α became correlated in response to LPS stimulation and that IL1β and TNF-α upregulation occurred through independent mechanistic pathways

  • In the first 60 min of LPS stimulation, transcription of both IL1β and TNF-α rapidly increased to a mean of ~130 and ~170 copies mRNA/cell, respectively.(Fig 3) After 60 min, IL1β mRNA levels continued to increase to a maximum of ~210 copies mRNA/cell at 240 min and tapered off to 130 copies by 480 min

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A conventional wide-field microscope (Olympus IX71), arc lamp (Olympus U-RFL-T), and high NA objective (Olympus UAPON: 1.49 numerical aperture 100X oil immersion) are used to excite and image the fluorescent mRNA, intron, and protein data in three dimensions, with scanning performed in XY with a 2D Thorlabs stage (BSC102) and Z-scanning performed with a Z Piezo (Physik Instrumente, PI-721.20). Optical filters are chosen to best match the excitation/emission spectra of the fluorescence probes including DAPI (Semrock 1160B), FITC (Semrock 3540B), Quasar 570 (Chroma 49304), CAL Flour Red 610 (Chroma 49306), Quasar 670 (Chroma 49009), and a bright field channel. Up to five fluorescent channels as well as a bright field image are acquired at each spatial point and the raw image data is stored for offline analysis.

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