
Previous literature suggests that musical performers may be influenced to some extent by the acoustic environment in which they sing or play. This study investigates the influence of room acoustics on singers' voice production, by analyzing consecutive sung performances of classically trained students in five different performance spaces. The analyzed voice parameters were vibrato rate, extent, and pitch inaccuracy. Nine classically trained student-singers performed the same aria unaccompanied on a variable starting pitch that was consistent between spaces. Variance in vibrato rate and pitch inaccuracy was primarily explained by individual differences between singers. Conversely, the variance attributable to the rooms for the parameter of vibrato extent was larger compared to the variance attributable to the performers. Vibrato extent tended to increase with room clarity (C80) and was inversely associated with early decay time (EDT). Additionally, pitch inaccuracy showed a significant negative association with room support (STv). Singers seem to adjust their vocal production when performing in different acoustic environments. Likewise, the degree to which a singer can hear themself on stage may influence pitch accuracy.

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