
Intracellular antibodies (intrabodies) have been used for the generation of phenotypic knockouts in vivo by surface depletion of extracellular or transmembrane proteins. Intrabodies present an alternative to methods of gene inactivation that target genomic DNA or m-RNA, such as RNA interference. Several studies suggest that the VEGF receptor pathway and the Tie-2 pathway are independent and essential mediators of angiogenesis, leading to the hypothesis that simultaneous interference with both pathways should result in additive effects in tumor growth. In order to generate a precise tool for the simultaneous silencing of two independent signaling pathways essential for angiogenesis, we developed a bispecific, tetravalent endoplasmatic reticulum (ER)-targeted intradiabody, against Tie-2 and VEGF-R2. Using an adenovirus mediated gene delivery system, we achieved the simultaneous downregulation of the two cell surface receptors and demonstrate that the intradiabody is significantly more powerful with respect to efficiency and duration of surface depletion of Tie-2 and VEGF-R2 when compared to scFv intrabodies. In a human melanoma xenograft mouse model, we could show that blockade of both VEGF-R2 and Tie-2 pathways or the VEGF receptor pathway alone resulted in a significant inhibition of tumor growth and tumor angiogenesis (92.2 % and 74.4 %). We demonstrate for the first time that simultaneous inhibition of the VEGF and the Tie-2 receptor pathways result in additive antiangiogenic effects in vitro and in vivo as compared to single VEGF receptor pathway blockade, strengthening the potential of simultaneous targeting of multiple pathways as a therapeutic strategy.

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