
Atomic hydrogen (H) and hydroxyl radical (OH) are two key intermediate species in the combustion of hydrocarbon fuels. For example, the spatial and temporal distribution of H is useful to better understand the ignition/extinction processes, whereas OH distribution profiles can yield flame structure and reaction zone in different flames conditions. In the present study, simultaneous laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) measurements of H and OH are obtained using a single ultrashort femtosecond-duration laser pulse near λ=307.7 nm for 3pLIF of H. Measurements are performed in CH4-air and C2H4-air flames stabilized over the Hencken burner. Recently developed three-photon LIF (3pLIF) technique is used for H, whereas the same excitation laser pulse can simultaneously excite OH A2Ʃ+←X2Π (0,0) transition. Red-shifting the excitation wavelength to 307.7 nm as opposed to commonly used two-photon excitation using 205 nm deep-ultra-violet (DUV) laser pulses enables the reduction of absorption losses of excitation laser pulse energy when transmitting through thick optical windows of high-pressure vessels, for example. Furthermore, the efficiency of the fs wavelength generation scheme of commercial optical parametric devices is approximately a factor of two higher near 307.7 nm as compared to 292 nm for 3pLIF of H. In this study, H and OH number densities have been reported for a range of flame equivalence ratios in CH4/air and C2H4/air flames established over the Hencken burner. Simultaneous imaging of H and OH in the premixed Bunsen flame is presented. Prospective improvements for increasing the signal-to-noise and hence potential kHz-rate simultaneous single-shot imaging are also discussed.

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