
Radiation shielding is a popular subject in physics due to its wide utilization in different fields in parallel with technological development, and thus, recently many research studies have focused on this subject. Most works have been performed using simulation codes, as experimental studies are more difficult and require a technical set-up. Simulation works were performed in this study to obtain the radiation-shielding properties of marble concrete at gamma-ray energies of 0.511, 0.835 and 1.275 MeV. The simulations were done using the Phy-X/PSD code in order to obtain the linear attenuation coefficients (μ, cm−1). Some other radiological parameters, such as the mean free path, half-value length, tenth-value length, effective atomic number (Z eff), electron density (N eff), equivalent atomic number (Z eq), exposure buildup factor and fast neutron removal cross-section, were also obtained.

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