
Rice planthoppers' damage on Pusa Basmati 1 cultivar was simulated with InfoCrop, a generic crop growth simulation model. The model was calibrated and validated with two experimental data sets on planthopper population and rice yield that were generated through differential insecticide application during the rainy season 2006 and 2007. Simulated yield and total dry matter (TDM) in various treatments over the two experiments were found to be proximal to the observed yields ( R 2 = 0.972, RMSE = 4.61%) and TDM (R 2 = 0.949, RMSE = 3.25%), respectively. Likewise, the simulated yield and TDM losses were also respectively close to observed yield losses ( R 2 = 0.938, RMSE = 13.53%) and TDM losses ( R 2 = 0.835, RMSE = 19.12%), suggesting appropriate validation of planthopper damage mechanism on Pusa Basmati 1 rice. Economic injury levels (EILs) of planthoppers were simulated with two control expenditures involving two applications with each of monocrotophos and imidacloprid, and three market prices of Pusa Basamti 1 rice. The EIL exhibited a negative relationship with market value of produce but a positive one with expenditure on control measures. Simulated EILs were comparable to earlier established empirical EILs, indicating utility of simulation models for developing location specific EILs that may help in doing away with the use of blanket EILs. Iso-loss curves, devised through validated model, depicted combinations of crop age and planthopper population that resulted in similar yield losses. Both the EILs and iso-loss curves can be useful in monitoring planthopper populations and promoting judicious pesticide application s that would avoid unwarranted control expenditure and environmental contamination. The simulation models being based on detailed crop ecological and physiological processes and pest damage mechanism can thus aid in development of location-specific decision support tools and ensure precision in pest management decisions.

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