
Objectives: The aim of this study was to identify the main etiological factorsresponsible for non-functional kidneys and the most common presenting complaints in patientsundergoing simple nephrectomy in a tertiary care hospital. Setting: Urology departmentof Nishter Medical College and Hospital Multan. Period: January 2014 to June 2015 wereselected for this study. Methods: A total of Eighty (80) patients with non-functional kidney, whounderwent simple nephrectomy. Patients of any age and gender were included. Patients havingnon-functional kidney due to any malignancy were excluded from this analysis. Detailed clinicalhistory regarding pain, micturition, radiographic findings and co-morbid conditions was takenfrom every patients. Results: The mean patient’s age was 29.21+11.80 years and the medianage was 25 years. Most common presenting complaints was flank pain. Mean Duration of flankpain was 21.86+35.06 months. 45 (56.2%) were presented with Rt. Flank pain, 29 (36.2%) werepresented with Lt. Flank pain and 6 (7.5%) were of not having pain. Most common presentingcomplaint along with flank pain was fever presented in 19 (23.8%) patients. The 2nd mostcommon was dysuria, 15 (8.8%) patients were presented with flank pain+dysuria. 11 (13.8%)were with flank pain + pyrexia. Stone disease was the most common pathology responsible fornon-functional kidney diagnosed in 40 (50%) patients, out of which 35 (43.8%) were with renalstones and 5 (6.2%) with ureteric stones. The 2nd most common pathology was Uretero-pelvicjunction obstruction (UPJO) presented in 25 (31.2%) patients. Conclusion: Renal stones aremost common benign cause responsible for most of the nephrectomies and UPJO is the 2ndmost common pathology. While most common presenting complains of patients suffering fromnon-functional kidney are flank pain, and flank pain along with fever or Pyuria.

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