
Feeding of lowland sheep on straw-based systems during pregnancy and in early lactation has shown that ewe and lamb performance can be satisfactory, providing adequate compound supplementation is fed (Davies and Chapple, 1995). Whole barley and soya bean meal has been the standard ration. However, soya bean meal is imported and may not be fully traceable. Maize or barley distillers fed with beans could provide traceable protein to replace soya bean meal in sheep diets. Experiments with housed early-lambing ewes and ewes suckling twin lambs at grass have shown that traceable feeds, based on molassed sugar beet and either maize or barley distillers grains, can replace a barley/soya supplement when fed with straw based diets in late pregnancy or at grass (Chappleet al., 1999 and 2000). The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects on ewe and lamb performance of feeding sugar beet feeds with distillers grains and beans to March-lambing ewes on a straw-based system.

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