
With the help of similar material simulation test, time series system for induced caving of roof in continuous mining under complex backfill in ore body No.92 of Tongkeng Tin Mine was studied. According to the similarity theory, a two-dimensional similar simulation test-bed was constructed. The stress and displacement that change along with the advance of mining were acquired and analyzed automatically by data system. The processes of continuous mining of ore-block in 5 intervals and artificial induced caving of roof were simulated. The results of the test show that ore body remained as safety roof in thickness of 15 m guarantees the safe advance of stoping work face. Caving of safety roof puts in practice at the first two mining intervals when the third interval of continuous mining is finished, and one interval as the safety distance should be kept all the time between stopping and caving. While mining in the last interval, pre-slotting should be implemented first of all, and the roof of the last two mining intervals is caved simultaneously. Only this kind of time series system can be an efficient and safe way for induced caving of roof in continuous mining.

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