
Difficulties experienced by students to learn mathematics caused by the lack of practical and less interesting media used by lecturers in learning mathematics has an impact on the low student learning outcomes, especially in the matter of relations and functions. Therefore, “this study aims to determine the feasibility and response of students to the design of mathematics e-module learning devices using sigil software. This type of research is Research & Development (R&D) using the ADDIE model. Data collection techniques using interview techniques, questionnaires and tests. Validation was carried out by three material experts and two media experts. The validation results show that the e-module is suitable for use because it is good in terms of content, language, and presentation feasibility. The revised E-Module was tested on a small scale test (10 students) and continued with a large scale test (28 students). Student responses to e-modules also scored high on all indicators. It can be concluded, the e-module that has been developed is feasible and effective for use in the mathematics” learning process.


  • Difficulties experienced by students to learn mathematics caused by the lack of practical and less interesting media used by lecturers in learning mathematics has an impact on the low student learning outcomes, especially in the matter of relations and functions

  • “this study aims to determine the feasibility and response of students to the design of mathematics e-module learning devices using sigil software

  • The validation results show that the e-module is suitable for use because it is good in terms of content, language, and presentation feasibility

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Sangat kurang baik

Keefektifan penggunaan media e-modul berbantuan sigil software di UIN Raden Intan Lampung pada penelitian ini dapat diketahui dengan cara memberikan 5 soal pretest dan 5 soal posttest ke mahasiswa, kemudian dihitung mengunakan analisis effect size menurut Nurhayati (2014). Dikatakan efektif berdasarkan kriteria effect size apabila hasil perhitungan pretest dan posttest mahasiswa masuk dalam kategori minimal sedang. Data hasil penelitian dan pengembangan e-modul berbantuan sigil software secara ringkas yaitu sebagai berikut: Kelayakan Media Pembelajaran Untuk mengetahui kelayakan media pembelajaran sebelum diujicobakan di lapangan maka terlebih dahulu dilakukan validasi produk. Tahap validasi media dan validasi materi diakukan agar produk e-modul berbantuan sigil software yang dikembangkan dianggap layak oleh para ahli sehingga dapat diujicobakan kepada mahasiswa. Selain hal tersebut tahap validasi ahli dibutuhkan untuk mengetahui adanya kesalahan dan kekurangan materi maupun kurang menariknya media saat ujicoba lapangan. Desain produk tersebut diserahkan kepada validator untuk divalidasi dan dinilai kelayakannya

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