
Signed link prediction in graphs is an important problem that has applications in diverse domains. It is a binary classification problem that predicts whether an edge between a pair of nodes is positive or negative. Existing approaches for link prediction in unsigned networks cannot be directly applied for signed link prediction due to their inherent differences. Furthermore, signed link prediction must consider the inherent characteristics of signed networks, such as structural balance theory. Recent signed link prediction approaches generate node representations using either generative models or discriminative models. Inspired by the recent success of Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) based models in several applications, we propose a GAN based model for signed networks, SigGAN. It considers the inherent characteristics of signed networks, such as integration of information from negative edges, high imbalance in number of positive and negative edges, and structural balance theory. Comparing the performance with state-of-the-art techniques on five real-world datasets validates the effectiveness of SigGAN.

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