
The majority of bacteria isolated from rhizospheres of Arachis hypogea (Groundnut) and Vigna radiata (Mung bean) predominantly produced catechol-type siderophores except for a few fluorescent pseudomonads that produced hydroxamates in addition to catecholates. The rhizospheric isolates differed in their ability to cross-utilize siderophores produced by other rhizospheric isolates (heterologous); some were highly proficient at utilizing heterologous siderophores, while others were poor cross-utilizers. Isolate G9, which utilized hydroxamate as well as catecholate siderophores, was found to be an efficient siderophore cross-utilizer, while isolates G2 and G6 were poor-utilizers of catecholate and non-utilizers of hydroxamate siderophores. Growth stimulation of two isolates G9 and G6 was seen when grown in the presence of externally supplied heterologous siderophores, which they cross-utilized. The iron-regulated outer membrane protein (IROMP) profiles differed for the most cross-utilizer and the least cross-utilizer strains, but in both the cases no new outer membrane proteins (OMP) were induced in response to the exogenous siderophores supplied. The growth of the organisms in the presence of heterologous siderophores that they failed to cross-utilize led to growth inhibition in the case of isolate G9. This appears to be due to a lower affinity of the siderophore of G9 as compared to the exogenously supplied G6 siderophore. A simple method was devised to measure relative affinities of respective siderophores for iron based on CAS solution decolorization by the siderophore preparations. The effect on the growth of the differential affinities of the siderophores for iron and the interactions of the organisms through cross-utilization is also discussed.

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