
In siblicidal species, hatching asynchrony could act to reduce sibling rivalry or promote the death of last-hatched chicks. The pattern of hatching asynchrony was experimentally altered in the black kite Milvus migrans. Hatching asynchrony in control broods was intermediate between those of experimentally synchronised and asynchronised broods. Sibling aggression and wounds on the chicks were more commonly observed early in the nestling period and in synchronous nests. Serious injuries were observed on last-hatched chicks in asynchronous nests, as were observations of intimidated or crushed chicks. Sibling aggression was related to food abundance, but some chicks died at an early age in nests with abundant food (cainism). Cainism was more commonly found in asynchronous nests. For species with facultative siblicide, moderate hatching asynchrony could be a compromise between reducing sibling rivalry and avoiding large size differences between sibs that would result in cainism. Female black kites preferentially fed the smallest chicks and exhibited behaviours to reduce sibling aggression, contrary to observations in other siblicidal species. In a highly opportunistic forager such as the black kite, a strategy may exist to protract the life of all the chicks in the brood, waiting for unpredictable situations of food overabundance. This would induce the appearance of a parent-offspring conflict over brood reduction, reflected in the existence of a possible anticipated response by some of the chicks (cainism) and in the appearance of special behaviours by the parents to selectively feed smaller chicks or reduce sibling aggression. In this facultatively siblicidal species, cainism does not seem to be the final stage of an evolutionary trend favouring the raising of high-quality chicks, but a manifestation of a parent-offspring conflict over brood size.

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