
Over the past few years several studies have raised questions about childhood cancer and exposure to electric and magnetic fields (EMFs). Reports by the National Academy of Sciences and the National Cancer Institute concluded that there is no clear, convincing evidence that exposure to electric power lines and electric power appliances is a threat to human health, whereas the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences concluded that there is weak evidence that EMF exposure may be a leukemia hazard. Based on the conflicting agency reports on EMF, what do experts in the field of bioelectromagnetics believe regarding the effectiveness of the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) guidelines? Surveys were sent to 163 participants at the 1997 annual Department of Energy Contractors meeting on Electric and Magnetic Fields. Approximately one-half (49%, n = 81) of the participants returned the survey. Utility workers demonstrated greater levels of agreement with the current TLV standard in comparison to government, university, and other private sector workers. Utility workers were less likely to perceive that ACGIH guidelines should be changed to be made more strict. In addition, workers who had worked at their present job for 10 years or more indicated less agreement with the acceptability of ACGIH guidelines to protect workers' health. The scientists and other risk experts in this study illustrate the importance of how type of industry may influence perceptions of TLV effectiveness.

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