
Abstract 1. In animals with a complex life cycle, larval stressors may carry over to the adult stage. Carry‐over effects not mediated through age and size at metamorphosis have rarely been studied. The present study focuses on the poorly documented immune costs of short‐term food stress both in the larval stage and after metamorphosis in the adult stage.2. The present study quantified immune function [number of haemocytes, activity of prophenoloxidase (proPO) and phenoloxidase (PO)] in an experiment where larvae of the damselfly Lestes viridis were exposed to a transient starvation period.3. Directly after starvation, immune variables were reduced in starved larvae. Levels of proPO and PO remained low after starvation, even after metamorphosis. In contrast, haemocyte numbers were fully compensated by the end of the larval stage, yet were lower in previously starved animals after metamorphosis. This can be explained as a cost of the observed compensatory growth after starvation. Focusing only on potential costs of larval stressors within the larval stage may therefore be misleading.4. The here‐identified immunological cost in the adult stage of larval short‐term food stress and associated compensatory growth strongly indicates that physiological costs may explain hidden carry‐over effects bridging metamorphosis. This adds to the increasing awareness that the larval and adult stages in animals with a complex life cycle should be jointly studied, as trade‐offs may span metamorphosis.

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