
sate for the experimental awakenings (NT2 = 8 + 2, NT3 I! + 3 [p~01]). REM% for the RD group was NT! 19 + 5, ~ 4 42, N'r3 5 + 3, and for the YC group was 20 :k 6% NTi, 19 + 5% N'I2, and 18 + 7% NT3. Following each study NT a five nap MSLT was done. Change scores (experimental NT [or recovery NT] baseline) were derived for each of the variables assessed. The data was submitted to a one between (RD and YC groups) and one within (day) mixed design ANOVA. The results, on TST, showed that both groups had a decline in TST due to the awakenings (pc.01). There was no main effect of group or group*night. On the MSLT, there was a main effect of group (F-8.71, p<.01), day (I:=22. ! 5, p<.01) and day*group (F=4.05, lg0.05). The RD group showed little change on the MSLT while the YC group experienced a significant increase in sleepiness following each experimental night. The data from the YC group replicate previous reqults of increased daytime sleepiness associated with nocturnal sleep loss. in contrast, the RD group showed no change in sleepiness despite experiencing over 2 hrs of sleep loss. The data suggest that RD produces CNS excitability which is able to compensate for the expected increase in sleepiness associated with sleep loss.

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