
The flow generated by the motion of a thin wedge through the front of a plane shock wave of arbitrary intensity is investigated. The shock wave front is at some side slip angle to the wedge edge and at an angle slightly different from the right angle to the wedge plane of symmetry. The wedge velocity relative to the gas upstream of the shock wave is supersonic. Interaction of the shock wave with the weak compression shock attached to the wedge is assumed irregular. The range of input parameters (angle of side slip, Mach numbers of the shock wave and wedge) are indicated for all possible flow patterns under these conditions. Solution of the plane problem of shock wave diffraction over a thin wedge obtained by the author in /1/ is extended the case of three-dimensional flow. A similar generalization of solution of the problem of shock wave diffraction over a stationary thin wedge /2/ was first considered by Chester /3/. A solution of the same problem as considered here, but under conditions of regular shock interaction was obtained by Smyrl /4/. The solution of this problem contains, as particular cases, solutions of plane problems of shock wave diffraction over a moving toward it thin wedge (at zero side slip angle) and over a thin wedge overtaking it when in the considered here general problem the side slip angle is π.

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