
AbstractBanded killifish (Fundulus diaphanus) were presented individually with a choice of shoaling with either of two stimulus shoals which differed in shoal size, species composition, and fish body size, before and after a simulated avian predator attack. When threatened, test fish preferred to shoal with the larger of two conspecific shoals, but only if members of both stimulus shoals were of the same size class as the test fish. Otherwise, they preferred to shoal with similarly sized fish irrespective of shoal size; threat of predation increased the magnitude of this preference. Furthermore, test fish preferred a shoal of similarly sized shiners (Notemigonus crysoleucas) over larger killifish, when shoal sizes were identical. This indicates that body size plays a key role in shoal choice, overriding the effects of shoal size and species preference. Notwithstanding the above, shoal choice was affected by predator threat only when differences between shoal size or body size of stimulus fish were large.

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