
In our day- to- day life which performing conditioning there's further or lower reduction of ‘Dhatu’ takes position which results in “Dhatukshaya” depending on the physical day to day conditioning an existent. It's spoke that “Shiryate iti shariram”. tallying to ultramodern gerontology aims to explain why nearly all abiding effects weaken, pulverize and go with time. tallying to Ayurveda, the physiology descrying ‘sharir’( which means continuously decaying(“shiryati”) as the title suggests) has been explained considerably in Ayurveda. Vriddhavastha is that stage of life when decay in the body, dhatu( colorful anatomical towel), perception authority of the indriya( sensitive and motor organs), energy, energy and peroration, colorful internal and cognitive places. During this period there's ascendance of Vata Dosha( one of three natural procurators). The major physical changes during this period are graying hairs, face, wrinkling, baldness and dwindling capability to do physical work.

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