
Background: In Ayurveda all skin ailments are mostly mentioned in Kustha and Kshudra Roga. The disease Vyanga is a type of Kshudra Roga. It may manifest with various sign and symptoms like Mandalam Visrijati, Niruja, Tanu, Shyava lesion over face. In the pathogenesis various Nidanas like Krodha, Shoka, Shrama etc. are responsible for disease Vyanga. In Ayurveda, for the treatment of this disease so many remedies as internal and external applications, Shodhana therapy like Raktamokshana are described. Aim: Sharir Kriyatamak study of role of Rakta Vridhi in Vyanga and its treatment with Asriksravnam Purva Baladi Lepam. Study design: The Study was single arm, open clinical trial. Sample size: Total number of patients taken for the study was 30 excluding dropouts. Intervention: Asriksravnam followed by local application of Lepa consisting Bala, Atibala, Madhuka, Haridra. Procedure was repeated after every 7 days for 10 sittings. Duration: 70 days Follow up: After every 7 days following procedure. Observations and Results: The observations recorded in the clinical trials were assessed and results were drawn which shows the treatment given to the patients. Overall response is found to be significant for some parameters. Conclusion: Clinical response of the treatment Asriksravnam Purva Baladi Lepam have given best results for parameters like Daha, Kandu, Shyava Varna.

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