
Since 2001, the Federal Research Center for Vegetable Growing has been working with shallots in the North-Eastern zone of the country (Kirov region). Purpose of the work: to study local onion varieties on a set of economically valuable traits under vegetative and generative methods of reproduction, to select the best forms, to obtain selection samples, to identify promising numbers-future varieties, to develop technologies for their cultivation. Collected and created a collection of local varieties of shallots (2001-2006). In the period 2009-2011, selection samples were obtained with free over-dusting of local varieties of shallots on a natural background, and hybridization work was carried out. Elements of vegetative technology (2006-2008) and seed propagation of shallots (2009-2016) have been developed. As a result of the research, technological methods of vegetative and seed methods of scoop breeding in the conditions of the North-Eastern zone of Russia are substantiated. The developed elements of the seed breeding technology of the shallots are used in the selection of this species of onions using local varieties. For the North-Eastern zone of Russia and a number of regions with similar climate conditions, earlyripening varieties with a high-intensity photosynthetic sheet are relevant. The bulb should accumulate a significant amount of carbohydrates, have a delicate and juicy consistence juicy scales and tightly fitting, durable dry scales. Need a thin neck in bulbs. According to the results of the competitive testing in 2017, 3 prospective varieties were transferred to the ICG, differing in their external organoleptic characteristics, having a stable yield of 2.73.6 kg/m2, capable of storage for 9-10 months and a level of preservation of 80-90%, propagated by vegetative and seed methods.

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