
Shaih Se’id Havva is an outstanding personality among contemporary Islamic scholars. With his total commitment, and especially his written works, he gave crucial contribution to the affirmation of contemporary Islam and Islamic thought. Living in the 20th century, the time of great turmoil, he truly identified himself with the problems that contemporary Muslims encounter. An important characteristic of Havva’s engagement and work is his dedication to raising and educating a complete Islamic personality, aspiring to awaken in Muslims a yearning for action and work for Islam and Islamic values. In his works encyclopedic and systematic spirit of a great scholar is recognized. He wrote about different fields of Islamic science and especialy in the field of taffsir, hadith, fikh, tesavvuf, upbringing and Islamic and Islamic missionary work (Da'va). In his works he actually attempts to read Islamic sources in the context of contemporary events and problems of today’s Muslims. All of this gives a huge importance to his works. As a main reason for writing his works, especially in the field of Taffsir and Hadith, Se'id Havva states the fact that during tha last centuries the Western Civilisation, as a dominant force, imposed doubt in everything and especialy in the authenticity of Islamic sources and their compatibility with modern society needs. Unfortunately, many Muslims came under the influence. So one of the primary goals of contemporary Islamic scholars is to clearly and simply explain the original Islamic sources to reestablish them as unequivocal principles for contemporary Muslims that should serve as a basis and criterion for other values. In this paper, we concisely analyse Se'id Havva's engagement and works. Hystorical-analytical method prevails in this paper. Key words: Se’id Havva, Taffsir, El-ihvanul-Muslimun, religious studies, restoration, education, spiritual upbringing.

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