
Internet of things (IoT) has appeared as a current and vigorous research area where security in terms of trust management plays a major role. IoT network is established with some heterogeneous devices like smart sensor, smartphone, laptop. Apart from group communication, every smart device communicates with its nearest fog node in order to store data or share secret information. Fog node acts as a substitute of cloud service provider (CSP) or cloud server (CS) and helps CS by sharing overhead with it. Because of its distributiveness and openness in deployment, IoT network suffers from insecurity and constrains in terms of energy and memory. In this paper, we propose a community-based trust management architecture by considering self-trust (SLT), social trust (ST), green trust (GT), and QoS trust. The existing schemes in this platform have not considered all the trust management attributes together. Self, green, social, and QoS trust (SGSQoT) enables IoT devices as well as IoT network to fight against most of the attacks in IoT environment. The SGSQoT scheme is lightweight in terms of energy and memory consumption. Arithmetical calculations and extensive simulation have been done in order to find the trust value.

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