
Several autoimmune and neurological diseases exhibit a sex bias, but discerning the causes and mechanisms of these biases has been challenging. Sex differences begin to manifest themselves in early embryonic development, and gonadal differentiation further bifurcates the male and female phenotypes. Even at this early stage, however, there is evidence that males and females respond to environmental stimuli differently, and the divergent phenotypic responses may have consequences later in life. The effect of prenatal nutrient restriction illustrates this point, as adult women exposed to prenatal restrictions exhibited increased risk factors of cardiovascular disease, while men exposed to the same condition did not. Recent research has examined the roles of sex-specific genes, hormones, chromosomes, and the interactions among them in mediating sex-biased phenotypes. Such research has identified testosterone, for example, as a possible protective agent against autoimmune disorders and an XX chromosome complement as a susceptibility factor in murine models of lupus and multiple sclerosis. Sex-biased chromatin is an additional and likely important component. Research suggesting a role for X and Y chromosome heterochromatin in regulating epigenetic states of autosomes has highlighted unorthodox mechanisms of gene regulation. The crosstalk between the Y chromosomes and autosomes may be further mediated by the mitochondria. The organelles have solely maternal transmission and exert differential effects on males and females. Altogether, research supports the notion that the interaction between sex-biased elements might exert novel regulatory functions in the genome and contribute to sex-specific susceptibilities to autoimmune and neurological diseases.


  • Sexual dimorphisms in morbidity, mortality, pathology, disease progression, and phenotypic expression have been a matter of abundant research as well as neglect

  • XXF had significantly higher mortality than XYF, whereas neither XYM nor XXM showed significant mortality during the duration of the study [54]. These results suggest the influence of sex chromosomes as well as the protective effects of testosterone in gonadal intact male mice

  • Sex chromosome dosage, sex chromosome genes, and sex hormones underlie sex-specific phenotypic and sex-biased expressions. Interaction of these factors with the genetic background of autosomes and mitochondria further contributes to sex-biased phenotypes and explains the components of within-sex and between-sex variation

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Mortality, pathology, disease progression, and phenotypic expression have been a matter of abundant research as well as neglect. In two strains of mice, the sex bias in EAE is reversed (males display increased susceptibility), whereas another strain shows no sex bias (reviewed in [3]) This result echoes earlier murine research in which the effect of androgen removal on EAE was dependent on genetic background [118], and observations that autosomal gene associations with MS susceptibility are often sex-specific in humans [119,120]. Y chromosome substitution lines show that susceptibility to these diseases is correlated with the number of repeats of the Ylinked genes Sly and Rbmy [79] These Y chromosome structural polymorphisms might modulate global gene expression and alternative splicing in a cell-type specific manner that depends on genetic background. The data raise the possibility that differences in the manifestation of cardiovascular disease in men and women might be influenced in part by the Y chromosome

16. Houtchens MK
22. Selmi C
26. Arnold AP
30. Koopman P
36. Kalantry S
41. Wutz A
59. Muller H
61. Mittwoch U
65. Gilbert SF
67. Gilbert SF
75. Frost J
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