
Acknowledgements 1. Introduction: sex, gender and health status in prehistoric and contemporary populations George J. Armelagos 2. Sex-related patterns of trauma in humans and African apes Robert Jurmain and Lynn Kilgore 3. Osteoporosis in the bioarchaeology of women David S. Weaver 4. Iron deficiency anaemia: exploring the difference Patricia Stuart-Macadam 5. Sex differences in trace elements: status or self-selection? Della Collins Cook and Kevin D. Hunt 6. Male/female immune reactivity and its implications for interpreting evidence in human skeletal paleopathology Donald J. Ortner 7. Infectious disease, sex and gender: the complexity of it all Charlotte A. Roberts, Mary E. Lewis and Philip Boocock 8. Gender differences in health and illness among rural populations in Latin America Thomas L. Leatherman 9. The mothers and daughters of a patrilineal civilization: the health of females among the Late Classic Maya of Copan, Honduras Rebecca Storey 10. A history of their own: patterns of death in a nineteenth-century poorhouse Anne L. Grauer, Elizabeth M. McNamara and Diane V. Houdek 11. Gender, health and activity in foragers and farmers in the American southeast: implications for social organization in the Georgia Bight Clark S. Larsen Index.

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