
The objective of the experiment was to evaluate the relationship between different degrees of severity of the myopathies known as wooden breast and white stretch marks with physiological, productive and behavioral indicators of well-being. 570 Ross 308 broilers, reared under commercial conditions for 13 weeks, were used. From week 7 to 13, prior to slaughter, the breast of 35 chickens was randomly palpated, according to their consistency and classified as soft, intermediate and firm. Fifteen blood samples were taken from the 35 chickens to obtain the heterophil-lymphocyte ratio, C-reactive protein, and the hematological profile. Group ethograms were performed by direct observation, weekly. Live weight, breast weight, hot carcass weight, and cold carcass weight were recorded. Each breast was classified according to the degree of severity of the lesions of the white streaks and the wooden breast as normal, mild, moderate and severe. The processed breasts were palpated and classified as soft, medium and firm. Each one was measured for force and shear energy. The results showed that the physiological indicators were not related to the severity of the lesions found for both myopathies. Injury severity increased and was significantly associated with age, live weight, and breast weight. Live chicken breast palpation was highly correlated with processed breast palpation, so live palpation can be used as a noninvasive indicator of consistency and severity of lesions in both myopathies. It is required to evaluate more physiological, behavioral and pain indicators in chickens that present white streaks and wooden breast.

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