
Objective To investigate the status quo of the assurance and subsidy for severe diseases acquired by juvenile in rural areas in Qinghai, and provide evidences for building a subsidy system for such population. Methods Quantitative surveys were made to collect data on medical expenses and the compensation practice for such expenses for severe diseases of juvenile in the area, for a knowledge of the present medication and disease load in question; specialists in two hospitals were interviewed to learn the present treatnents for such a population, and their expenditures in case of such diseases. Results Juveniles in rural Qinghai rely on the new rural cooperative medical scheme, under which however the reimbursement rate was only 26% ~35%. Families with juvenile patients of severe diseases were found to suffer heavy burdens. As a result, a high percentage of the patients give up treatment. To make things worse, as only two hospitals in the provincial capital city can provide professional treatment for children with severe diseases, rural children have to pay heavy indirect costs other than medication such as heavy travel expenses. Conclusion It is critical to build a medical assurance system for juvenile with severe diseases. It is also imperative to build and strengthen the capacity of medical centers for such a population in Qinghai, and upgrade the diagnosis and treatment competence of local health providers, ensuring adequate medical resources for juvenile with severe diseases upon joint development of both healthcare providers and the medical insurance system. Key words: Juvenile patients; Severe disease; Health coverage

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