
Osteoporosis (OP) is a metabolic bone disease , characterized by a decrease of bone mineral density , leading to the development of low-energy fractures . Serum pyridinoline (PYD) and C- terminal cross-linking telopeptide type I (β- CrossLaps ) are among the specific markers of bone resorption . Vitamin D is involved in the metabolism of bone tissue , its deficiency accelerates the processes of bone tissue breakdown . Material and methods . 60 women with osteoporosis were studied (30 Russian and 30 Buryat nationalities ) aged 50 to 80 years ; the control group included 20 women (10 Russian and 10 Buryat nationalities ). Serum bone resorption markers , namely pyridinoline a nd β- C rossLaps , 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) w ere m easured u sing i mmunoassays . R esults a nd d iscussion . The l evel o f β- C rossLaps w as h igher a nd t he c ontent o f 25(OH)D w as l ower i n w omen w ith o steoporosis c ompared t o t he c ontrol g roup . T here w as a p ositive r elationship b etween β- C rossLaps c oncentration a nd b ody m ass i ndex < 20 k g / cm 2 , f requent f alls , a nd a h ip f racture , b etween t he l evel o f 25(OH)D a nd h ereditary h istory o f o steoporosis i n Russian w omen . T here w as a p ositive r elationship b etween S erum p yridinoline a nd s moking , b etween 25(OH)D a nd l ow p hysical a ctivity , β- C rossLaps a nd t he m ajor o steoporotic f ractures i n B uryat w omen . It w as f ound t hat t he β- C rossLaps i s a n i ndependent p redictor o f t he d evelopment o f f ractures i n Russian w omen (β = 0.678, p = 0.04). In B uryat w omen , i ndependent p redictors o f f ractures a re p yridinoline (β = –0.38, p = 0.04) a nd β- C rossLaps (β = 0.671, p = 0.01). C onclusions . The s ystemic m arkers o f b one r esorption ( p yridinoline , β- C rossLaps ) a nd 25(OH)D c an b e u sed i n t he d iagnosis o f o steoporosis a nd f ractures i n r esidents o f t he Trans- B aikal R egion i n a ddition t o r isk f actor a ssessment a nd b one m ineral d ensity m easurement .

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