
Galectins are vertebrate lectins interacting with beta-galactosides and derivates thereof such as blood group A, B and H determinants. The expression of gelectin-1 and -3 and galectin-specific binding sites by human Sertoli cells was analyzed in normal human testis and Sertoli cell only-syndrome (SCOS). Staining intensity was scored semiquantitatively on a 4-grade scale. Sertoli cells in normal testes displayed a moderate cytoplasmic and weak nuclear staining for galectin-1-specific binding sites. Galectin-3-specific binding sites were expressed in Sertoli cells less intensely than accessible ligands for galectin-1 (mean score 2.25 for galectin-1 and 1.50 for galectin-3). Germ cells were only weakly reactive. Tubular walls were negative for both classes of galectin-specific binding sites. In SCOS, galectin-1 binding was moderate to strong and more pronounced than galectin-3 binding by Sertoli cells (mean scores 4.00 and 2.25). Tubular walls were negative for galectin-staining. The ratio for galectin-1-/galectin-3-specific binding (staining score ratio) was 1.50 form normal testis and 1.78 for SCOS disclosing a relative increase of galectin-3 binding sites in the latter. Staining with galectin-1- and -3-specific antisera showed a strong cytoplasmic galectin-1 immunoreactivity in Sertoli cells of normal and SCOS testis (score 4.00 for both). Anti-galectin-3 did not stain Sertoli cells or germ cells in normal testis. Only Leydig cells were labeled (score 3.00). In SCOS a weak to moderate nuclear staining of Sertoli cells was noted (score 2.00). Galectin-3 expression and galectin-1-specific binding sites were found to be increased in Sertoli cells of SCOS. This modulation of reactivity can have implications for Sertoli cell interactions with galectin-reactive extracellular matrix components like laminin and for anti-apoptotic effects.

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