
We refer here to the possibility that the figure of the serpent which appears on some archaeological materials from the time of Augustus in Hispania formed an interesting part of the imperial propaganda and a myth that Octavius himself would have liked to spread in relation to his divine origin and the Aurea Aetas that his government was bringing from Rome. We suppose also that such propaganda may have used the figure of this animal (here a good serpent, genius loci/ agathodaimon/ genius Augusti) in different ways out of interest, depending on how the figure was being used in local cults within different parts of the Iberian Peninsula Hispania or based on its relation with diverse historical figures like Alexander the Great, Marcus Antonius, or Pompeius.


  • ABSCTRACT We refer here to the possibility that the figure of the serpent which appears on some archaeological materials from the time of Augustus in Hispania formed an interesting part of the imperial propaganda and a myth that Octavius himself would have liked to spread in relation to his divine origin and the Aurea Aetas that his government was bringing from Rome. We suppose that such propaganda may have used the figure of this animal in different ways out of interest, depending on how the figure was being used in local cults within different parts of the Iberian Peninsula Hispania or based on its relation with diverse historical figures like Alexander the Great, Marcus Antonius, or Pompeius

  • Serpientes y dioses en cultos grecoitálicos y la propaganda augustea

  • Zanker, P. (1992): Augusto y el poder de las imágenes, Madrid

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Ana Ma Vázquez Hoys

RESUMEN Planteamos aquí la posibilidad de que la figura de la serpiente representada en algunos materiales arqueológicos que conocemos de época augustea en Hispania forme parte interesada de la propaganda imperial y los mitos que el propio Octavio quiso difundir acerca de su origen divino y la Aurea Aetas que su gobierno traía a Roma. Suponemos además que dicha propaganda pudo utilizar interesadamente la figura de este animal, según su figura significase en cultos autóctonos de diversas zonas de la Península Ibérica Hispania o su relación con diversos personajes históricos como Alejandro Magno, Marco Antonio o Pompeyo.

Serpent and Propaganda of Augustus in Hispania
Juno de Ilici Juno Caelestis
Incertidumbre época Augusto
Agatodaimonde Cartago
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