
ABSTRACT Waseem, A, Pawaiya, R.V.S., Singh, R., Gupta, V.K., Rajukumar, K., Mir, M.S. and Aamir, S. (2015). Seroprevalence of caprine arthritisencephalitis virus infection (CAEV) in Indian goats. Indian J. Vet. Pathol., 39(1): 15-19. The present study was aimed to determine the seroprevalence of CAE in the Indian goats of both organized and unorganized sector andrisk factors associated with caprine arthritis encephalitis virus infection (CAEV). A total of 360 sera samples collected from Agra-Mathuraand Bareilly (UP), Rajasthan, Raipur-Bilaspur (Chhattisgarh), Srinagar-Ladakh (J&K) were screened for the presence of antibodie s against anti-CAEV 135 SU antigen by cELISA, using commercially available CAEV antibody test kit (Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis Virus Antibo dy TestKit, cELISA, VMRD, Inc, USA). Twelve goats out of 360 were found seropositive to CAEV antibodies that constituted 3.33% with anoverall prevalence rate of 0.03 ranging from 0.01 to 0.04. Association between risk factors and serological status of goats was statisticallyanalyzed by employing univariable analysis using chi-square test. Correlation between sex of animal and herd type as a risk for CAEVinfection was found statistically significant. However, the numbers of seropositive animals were insufficient to achieve any meaningfulstatistical correlation between CAEV and other risk factors. The results showed that CAEV antibodies are circulating in Indian goats anddisease prevalence in the goat herds is influenced by many risk factors which warrant the implementation of control measures to prevententrance of positive reactors and spread in the coming future.

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