This study aimed to determine interaction between muscarinic, NMDA glutamate and glycine receptors on sericin-induced hypophagia in neonatal chicken. This study included 6 experiments with 4 groups in each with 11 repeats for each group. In experiment 1, chicken received ICV injection of the saline, sericin (0.5 n m o l), Telenzepine (M 1 muscarinic receptor antagonist, 125 n m o l), and in group 4 co-injection of the sericin and Telenzepine were applied. In experiments 2-6, chicken received ICV injections of the AF-DX116 (M 2 muscarinic receptor antagonist, 125 n m o l), 4-DAMP (M3 muscarinic receptor antagonist, 125 n m o l), PD102807 (M 4 muscarinic receptor antagonist, 125 nmol), MK-801 (NMDA glutamate receptor antagonist, 15 n m o l), and Strychnine (glycine receptor antagonist, 100 nmol) instead of telenzepine. Then the cumulative food intake was measured at 30, 60 and 120 minutes after the injection. According to the results, ICV injection of the sericin (0.5 n m o l) significantly decreased cumulative food intake comparison to control chicken (P < 0 . 0 5). Co-injection of the telenzepine + sericin significantly decreased sericin induced hypophagia (P < 0.05). Co-injection of the MK - 801 + sericin decreased hypophagic effects of the sericin comparison to control chicken (P < 0. 0 5). Co-injection of the strychnine + sericin decreased hypophagic effects of the sericin comparison to control chicken (P < 0. 05). These findings suggested, sericin-induced hypophagia mediates via M1 muscarinic, NMDA glutamate and glycine receptors in neonatal chicken.
Published Version
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