
N-glycosylation is an essential eukaryotic posttranslational modification that affects various glycoprotein properties, including folding, solubility, protein–protein interactions, and half-life. N-glycans are processed in the secretory pathway to form varied ensembles of structures, and diversity at a single site on a glycoprotein is termed ‘microheterogeneity’. To understand the factors that influence glycan microheterogeneity, we hypothesized that local steric and electrostatic factors surrounding each site influence glycan availability for enzymatic modification. We tested this hypothesis via expression of reporter N-linked glycoproteins in N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase MGAT1-null HEK293 cells to produce immature Man5GlcNAc2 glycoforms (38 glycan sites total). These glycoproteins were then sequentially modified in vitro from high mannose to hybrid and on to biantennary, core-fucosylated, complex structures by a panel of N-glycosylation enzymes, and each reaction time course was quantified by LC-MS/MS. Substantial differences in rates of in vitro enzymatic modification were observed between glycan sites on the same protein, and differences in modification rates varied depending on the glycoenzyme being evaluated. In comparison, proteolytic digestion of the reporters prior to N-glycan processing eliminated differences in in vitro enzymatic modification. Furthermore, comparison of in vitro rates of enzymatic modification with the glycan structures found on the mature reporters expressed in WT cells correlated well with the enzymatic bottlenecks observed in vivo. These data suggest higher order local structures surrounding each glycosylation site contribute to the efficiency of modification both in vitro and in vivo to establish the spectrum of microheterogeneity in N-linked glycoproteins.

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