
The fungus Claviceps purpurea was grown on a rich and a limited nutrient medium such that alkaloid was produced after 8 days on the former medium and after 3 days on the latter medium. Cultures grown on both were assayed for the primary shunt metabolic products, polyols, trehalose, lipids, ribonucleic acid, and polyphosphate, and the secondary metabolic product, ergot alkaloid. Although differing considerably in composition, the two media nevertheless allowed formation of both primary and secondary shunt products. In both instances, however, the secondary product, ergot alkaloid, did not form until formation and accumulation of the primary products had ceased and the mycelial content of these products was actually decreasing. In both instances, alkaloid formation took place after the total dry weight of the mycelium had begun to decrease but while the dry weight of the residual, or structural portion of the mycelium, was either constant or increasing. The dilution of labeling in mannitol isolated from mycelia grown on rich medium containing 1,6-C(14)-labeled mannitol was 2.2. Thus, about half of the mycelial mannitol was actually mannitol which had been taken up directly from the medium.

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