
A tRNA gene-like sequence has been identified near the 3′ end of HIV-1. Two segments of this sequence (motif 9 and segment 1) promoted minus strand transfer in vitro. The segments are complementary to the tRNA 3 Lys primer, and apparently act by binding the tRNA, thereby bringing the 3′ and 5′ ends of viral RNA into proximity for strand transfer. In this report, we used full-length HIV-1 to demonstrate biological relevance of these segments. We constructed HIV-1 genomes capable of single cycle infection and altered in one or both of two segments. We devised a real time PCR method for quantifying the amount of (−)ssDNA that completes transfer. Results showed that depending on the mutation the efficiency of transfer decreased from 9% to 26%. Alteration of segment 1 had the greatest effect. Alteration of motif 9 or both sequences also caused a reduction, but smaller than alteration of segment 1 alone.

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