
Sequence-Characterized Amplified Region (SCAR) appears as a useful technique for genetic purity testing and variety discrimination, applicable to species in which some other techniques have failed. In particular, this technique is very attractive with species in which RAPD results were not consistent. The RAPD polymorphic bands were cloned, sequenced and from the sequence information, primers pairs for normal PCR were developed. Since the probability of obtaining successful SCAR primers from RAPD polymorphic bands was about 50%, a larger number of RAPD polymorphic bands are needed to develop sufficient SCAR primers for varietal discrimination in vinca. In addition, the efficiency of the SCAR technique is strongly affected by the quality of DNA extracted from seeds. The SCAR banding patterns obtained from vinca seed were consistent and repeatable making the results reliable for genetic purity testing and variety discrimination. The SCAR technique is simple, fast, relatively inexpensive and allows the use of DNA extracted from dry seeds, which is very important in a seed-quality evaluating program

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