
The 3' leader and the 5' trailer of the rice yellow stunt rhabdovirus (RYSV) genomic RNA have been cloned and sequenced. Sequence data indicate that the RYSV leader region is composed of 203 nucleotides (nt) and the trailer region 191 nt. The terminal 9 nt of the two regions are complementary and capable of forming a putative panhandle structure common to rhabdovirus genomes. In comparison with the leader or trailer sequences of other rhabdoviruses reported so far, both the leader and trailer of RYSV are the longest and there is no obvious sequence homology between the counterparts except for a few terminal nt and the UGUU motif in the leader sequences. Polyadenylated plus-strand leader RNA has been detected in RYSV-infected rice plants by 3' RACE. This is the second example in rhabdoviruses following the report for sonchus yellow net virus (SYNV) for existence of a polyadenylated leader RNA. No polyadenylated plus-strand transcripts of the RYSV trailer have been found using the similar method.

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