
This paper describes the characterization of four double-stranded ribonucleic acid segments, S1, S2, S3, and S4, of a newly identified pathogenic reovirus from parrots. The four segments share a unique 5' terminus GCUUUUC. The amino-acid sequences of the conserved sigma A and sigma NS proteins show less than 60% sequence similarity, whereas those of the outer capsid proteins sigma B and sigma C have at most 47% sequence similarity to their counterparts in other bird or bat reoviruses. In a phylogenetic analysis of the amino-acid sequences, the proteins coded for by the S1 segment, P10, P17, and sigma C, group with their homologous proteins in other avian reoviruses, whereas the major capsid protein, sigma B, and the nonstructural protein, sigma NS, show more sequence similarity to their bat reoviral counterparts. The phylogenetic relationship of sigma A with the homologous avian and bat sequences is unresolved. The possibility that the parrot reovirus has evolved from an ancestral, more batlike reovirus is discussed. It is proposed to designate this unique virus as PsRV.

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