
Purpose: Investigation of the sensitivity of conditionally pathogenic and pathogenic causative agents of postpartum disgalacting syndrome isolated from the pathological discharge of the vagina and the secretion of the mammary glands of patients with sorts to the most common antibacterial drugs.Materials and methods. The fence of the biological material was carried out within 2-3 days after supporting in sows of different ages and parity with the clinical manifestation of postpartum disgalacting syndrome from June to August 2021. In sows, the purse was taken in a mosper, milk, discharge from the vagina for the purpose of bacteriological research.Samples of vaginal wasches were sent in a special transportation environment of Ames. Samples of colostrum and milk (3-5 ml) were gained in sterile test tubes in compliance with the rules of antiseptics (the mammary glands were laid with warm water and 70% ethyl alcohol were treated). For the allocation and study of pure cultures of microorganisms from the above biomaterials produced crops on various nutrient media.The material brought to the laboratory was studied as follows: from the transport medium was carried out primary sowing on triptica-soybean agar, tryptichase-soybean broth, triptichase-soy agar with the addition of 5% of the defibrous blood of the ram; Samples were incubated in aerobic conditions at 37; The growth was taken into account after 24 hours. Then, pure cultures were isolated for the study of the cultural and morphological properties of the microorganisms obtained.The primary identification of the strains of microorganisms was carried out using the Microflex® LRF Bruker Maldi Biotyper system. The accuracy of the results obtained was confirmed by classical microbiological methods based on morphological, cultural and biochemical signs of microorganisms.The resistance of the isolated and identified pure crops to antibiotics was determined by diffusion in agar. In the study, the "advanced set of disks to estimate the antibiotic sensitivity of enterobacteria was used.Results. Inflammatory processes in the reproductive path of sows with postpartum diskalactic syndrome are caused by predominant gram-negative microorganisms, in lactic glands - associations of gram-positive and gram-negative microflora. The main conditionally pathogenic and pathogenic pathogens of endometritis and / or mastitis associated with postpartum diskalactic syndrome are the microorganisms of Escherichia, Enterobacter, Klebsiella, Actinobacillus, Rothia, Weisella, Pseudomonas, Proteus, Enterococcus, Streptococcus and Staphylococcus. It has been established that the overwhelming majority of microorganisms are sensitive to cephalosporine antibiotics: cefepim, zefisim, cefotaxim, ceftazidim, ceftriaxone, ceftinibuthen, cefuroxime.Conclusion. With respect to a large number of the most frequently used antibacterial drugs on this pig-breeding enterprise, high resistance is observed in microorganisms. Treatment of postpartum diskalactic syndrome sowers using antibacterial drugs is recommended to be carried out taking into account sensitivity to them allocated conditional and pathogenic microorganisms.

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