
Aerosol‐cloud interactions begin with the direct involvement of aerosols in cloud nucleation followed by its indirect contribution to the formation of precipitation through autoconversion. Since the treatments of cloud microphysics in climate models are highly parameterized, a thorough study is needed to examine the range of simulations associated with different parameterizations of aerosol‐cloud interactions. Unlike previous studies focused on climate‐mode simulations, our interest is in short‐range model response before the development of model bias and the compensation of multiple feedback mechanisms. In this study, we modified CAM4 to explore model sensitivity to treatments of cloud nucleation and autoconversion over the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Southern Great Plains (SGP) facility during the May 2003 Aerosol Intensive Operations Period (IOP) under the Cloud‐Associated Parameterizations Testbed framework. Simulated liquid water path and low cloud fraction were sensitive to the choice of parameterization; however, change of modeled precipitation was insignificant with varying parameterization in short‐range (∼3 day) simulation. In general, simulated cloud properties were more sensitive to the treatment of autoconversion than nucleation. Calculations of sulfate indirect effects indicate that the change of shortwave fluxes from cloud lifetime effect is much more sensitive to cloud parameterizations than cloud albedo effect. Microphysical feedbacks complicate the local response of the climate system and can yield a positive 2nd indirect sulfate forcing that counters the expectation that increases in aerosol concentration decrease the shortwave fluxes. As a result, the calculated total sulfate indirect forcing over SGP varies widely ranging from −0.1 to −2.1 W m−2 during the IOP.

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