
One of the most fundamental problems in the theory of finite- dimensional Hopf algebras is their classification over an algebraically closed field k of characteristic 0. This problem is extremely difficult, hence people restrict it to certain classes of Hopf algebras, e.g. to semisimple ones. Semisimple Hopf algebras deserve to be considered as quantum analogue of finite groups, but even so, the problem remains extremely hard (even in low dimensions) and very little is known. A great boost to the theory of Hopf algebras was given by Drinfeld who invented the fundamental class of (quasi)triangular Hopf algebras (A,R). Thus, it is natural to first try to classify semisimple triangular Hopf algebras (A,R) over k (i.e. R is unitary). The theory of such Hopf algebras is now essentially closed by a sequence of works by P. Etingof and the author. The key theorem in this theory states that A is obtained from a group algebra of a unique (up to isomorphism) finite group by twisting its usual comultiplication. The proof of this theorem relies on Deligne's theorem on Tannakian categories in an essentail way. The purpose of this paper is to explain the proof in full details. In particular, to discuss all the necessary background from category theory (e.g. symmetric, rigid, and Tannakian categories), and the properties of the category of representations of triangular (semisimple) Hopf algebras.

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