
Based on the nonequilibrium Green’s function method within the tight-bindingapproximation scheme, through a scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) model, westudy the low-energy electronic states and transport properties of carbon chains inarmchair-edged graphene nanoribbons (AGNRs). We show that semiconductingAGNRs possess only semiconducting chains, while metallic ones possess not onlymetallic chains but also unconventional semiconducting chains located at the3jth () column from the edge (the first chain) due to the vanishing of the metallic component inthe electron wavefunction. The two types of states for carbon chains in a metallic AGNRsystem are demonstrated by different density of states and STM tunneling currents.Moreover, a similar phenomenon is predicted in the edge region of very wide AGNRs.However, there is remarkable difference in the tunneling current between narrow and wideribbons.

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