
In this work the thermodynamic geometry (TG) of semiclassical fluids is analyzed. We present results for two models. The first one is a semiclassical hard-sphere (SCHS) fluid whose Helmholtz free energy is obtained from path-integral Monte Carlo simulations. It is found that, due to quantum contributions in the thermodynamic potential, the anomaly found in TG for the classical hard-sphere fluid related to the sign of the scalar curvature is now avoided in a considerable region of the thermodynamic space. The second model is a semiclassical square-well fluid, described by a SCHS repulsive interaction coupled with a classical attractive square-well contribution. The behavior of the semiclassical curvature scalar as a function of the thermal de Broglie wavelength λ_{B} is analyzed for several attractive-potential ranges. A description of the semiclassical R Widom lines, defined by the maxima of the curvature scalar, is also obtained and results are compared with the corresponding classical systems for different square-well ranges.

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