
The emerging technologies such as the Internet-of-Things, sensors, communication networks, have been or will be introduced to conventional domotics to provide a wide variety of smart home services to facilitate the household appliances or home cares and improve the lifestyles of people. Currently, smart home system are integrated with different features from product line and equipped with various sensors and actuators to meet the requirements of house occupants by specifying their customised user policies. However, the introduction of features and policies may result in undesired behaviours, and this effect is known as feature interactions. In this study, the authors proposed a Semantic Web-based policy interaction detection method with rules to model smart home services and policies with the aids of ontological analysis in the smart home domain, so as to construct a semantic context for inferring the interaction of policies. The authors focus their work on user policies interaction, which are detected by using the Semantic Web rule language in semantic context. The approach is successfully applied to the smart home system and is able to detect 90 interactions among 32 user policies by automated reasoning with tools support as Protege and Jess.

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