
General possibilities of velocity sedimentation in the hydrodynamic study of macromolecules are discussed. It is shown that, using the mass-spectrometric effect of the ultracentrifuge together with the calculation of molecular weights by means of a recently introduced sedimentation parameter β s , allows complete analysis of all the macromolecular parameters of polymers by velocity sedimentation only, without additional procedures. The sedimentation parameter is given by β s =N a [S]k s 1 3 M −2 3 , where [S]=S o η o /(1− νϱ o ) is the intrinsic sedimentation constant, k s is Gralen's concentration coefficient, M is the molecular weight and N a is Avogadro's number. In this way molecular weight distributions etc. can be obtained. The validity of the suggested approach is demonstrated on a cellulose nitrate (CN) sample with a substitution degree of 2.7, in acetone. The sample is characterized by the polydispersity index M w/ M n=1.66 in the molecular weight range 20⪕M × 10 3⪕620 . By means of velocity ultracentrifugation, values of the equilibrium rigidity of CN (Kuhn's segment length), A=(360±13) × 10 −8 cm, and of hydrodynamic diameter, d=(4.8±0.4) × 10 −8 cm, are obtained. All data obtained are in good agreement with published data for real fractions of CN in acetone.

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